- 如果他来, 我将怎么办? How shall I do if he comes?
- “这中情况出现在米兰?我将非常高兴,不会有一点点的嫉妒。米兰有许多的冠军级球员,但是如果他来了,我们将更加强大。” If he came to Milan? I would be delighted and not in the slightest bit envious. Milan already have great champions, but it would be even better with him here.
- 如果他来的时候我还在睡觉,请叫醒我。 If I am sleeping when he comes, wake me up please.
- 那对你固然挺不错,可是我将怎么办呢? That may be all very well for you,but what am I going to do?
- 如果他来电话,你就告诉他我打过电话。 Just tell him if he phones that I called.
- 如果他把精力更多地投入到工作中,他就会得到更好的结果。 If he put more effort into his work, he'd see better results.
- 一个学生如果没有了书籍,将怎么办? What will a student do if he were deprived of his books?
- 如果他来的话 if he shall come
- 每次他来向我借钱,总是花言巧语,说很快就会把钱还我。 Whenever he wants to borrow money from me, he will try to sugar the pill by saying that he will return the money very soon.
- 如果他打我,我将全力还击。 If he strikes at me,I'll strike him back with all my strength.
- 要是他掷一个刁钻古怪的慢球,我就给他来个一击得最高分。 If he gives me one of his tricky slow balls, I'll knock it for six.
- 如果他坚持认为他太忙而不去看医生,你可以试着问他,“如果你的小汽车不能正常行驶,你将怎么办?” If he insists he's just too busy to see a doctor,try asking him," What would you do if your car weren't running properly?"
- 他来找我时是想到我或许有可能正在家中。 He came on the off chance of finding me at home.
- 如果他来捣乱,让他走开。 If he comes here bothering you, tell him to fuck off.
- 如果他不这么到处招摇,我会更喜欢他一些。 I'd like him better if he didn't ponce about so much.
- 他要再想让我请他来我家作客,那就得好好改一改才行。 He will have to mend his ways if he wants to be invited to my house again.
- 如果他想要建立海市蜃楼,我们将让他去为此而欢跃。 We shall leave him to exult over any mare's nest which he may choose to construct.
- 如果他来了我一定会惊奇的。 I should be surprised if he comes.
- 当我将来呼援无门时,我会后悔自己没有听从他的忠告。 I would have leisure hereafter to reflect upon having neglected his counsel when there might be none to assist in my recovery.
- 如果他来了,我要和他一起去。 If he comes, I shall go with him.